Eew. Eew. Eew. But that’s just my opinion upon learning that the meat dress Lady Gaga wore to the MTV video music awards was real. What’s yours? See more at the blog of the designer, Franc Fernandez. (Note I was so eew eew eew about the dress, I opted to post the picture with the least amount of meat exposure.)
[tags]Lady Gaga, meat dress, MTV, music awards[/tags]
Wow! I’m not a vegetarian but I’m definitely not much of a meat lover either. This was way too gross!!
Lady Gaga is my idol, but this dress makes me sick, I admit.
Being a vegetarian I was totally disgusted by the outfit! Such a waste, the animals died for nothing, just so she could make some sort of statement for one night (and what that statement was still isn’t clear) and all that meat could have fed alot of hungry people.
Now I love a good steak, but I want to eat it, not wear it. That’s just gross.
With sooo many gorgeous options for
Things to make a dress out of, why would she want to be this wasteful and disgusting!? Wow.
Sick, wrong, disgusting, FAIL!