Do you have what it takes to be a food blogger? We have all been there, taking photos of our food and posting it to Facebook or Instagram and then wondered if we should start an awesome food blog, because our food is so awesome. But do you have what it takes?
First thing you are going to need is time! You need time to cook, time to take the photos and of course time to write the article too. You will need time to edit your photos. On average a blog post takes around 2-3 hours to write and edit. This is NOT including your cooking time. So you need to have lot’s of spare time to become a blogger.
Now, don’t think this is something you should do fulltime and run out and quit your day job, Blogging is hard, blogging to earn a full-time income is even harder.
The best way to be a blogger is to start as a hobby on the side of your fully paying, regular, stable income. Even the best blogs can take 1-2 years to even begin bringing in a part-time income.
So what makes a good food blog? Surprisingly you do not need to be a good cook, I mean it’s not as if someone is going to taste your food you cooked right? But, if you are offering recipes then you need to get them right! It is only a small percentage that goes on to make, bake or cook from your recipes, but when they do they want them to work. You want them to work, otherwise, those readers aren’t going to come back to your blog.
What’s next? Images, You are literally selling your blog, your recipes via the photo that they see. Food photography is 99% all about the image. First impressions really do count. You need to have the lighting right and the more time you can save on editing the faster your recipe production will be.
Check out the links below to help guide you on your journey of becoming or considering being a food blogger and how to get started.
So you want to be a food blogger? Check out this Food Bloggers Photography Book by Pinch of Yum
Totally correct!! Time is the key word!!