Mmmm. Canned unicorn meat
. What could be more lovely? Find this product, “an excellent source of sparkles,” HERE at Think Geek. And I thought unicorn meat was a myth. Like buffalo wings.
Hosting a Rainbow party? Check out these Rainbow party articles over on our Party Ideas Blog and these Rainbow party decorations we found on Amazon and these fun Rainbow party items from Etsy. Looking for more food ideas, here are all our Rainbow recipes.
We love our Unicorn parties around here so much that we decided to create our own DIY Unicorn Party Pinterest board. Which means we have literally 100’s of our favorite Unicorn ideas, party decorations, Unicorn cakes and other Unicorn tutorials and crafts all in one spot. You can check them all out here DIY Party Ideas – Unicorn. Or check out these Unicorn Crafts
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