File this in the category of “Why didn’t I think of this before?”. These quirky anti theft lunch bags are the perfect gag gift for all ages. These also make fun lunch bags for teenagers or grownups too.
Brilliant! Would you have a use for these bags?
If you do, get these here: Anti-Theft Lunch Bags.
I agree, they are brilliant. They are also no longer available according to their website. Guess we have to figure out how to make our own.
i bought a pack of these a few years ago & used them sparingly. not only were they just brilliant and funny as all get out, but the looks on everyone’s faces (at work and school) as they thought your food was moldy was AWESOME. my son even used them at school & got the same reactions. i love perpetual kid for things like these!
Good idea, but I’d be afraid someone would see it and throw it away.