Check out Vegan CupCake Recipes, a recipe-sharing site with tons of, what else, vegan cupcake recipes, as well as how-to videos, tips, articles and a shop.
I began this vegan cupcake search thanks to Cupcakes Take the Cake for linking us to these purpley vegan cupcakes, from Eurovision Nicola. Find the recipe here (link provided by the great Cupcakes Take the Cake). And further delving into the vegan cupcake world brought me to this popular book, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World, by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero.
And look, they also have a blog here. Looks like it hasn’t been updated in awhile, but still chock full of information and tips.
It’s cool. I am a vegan and I love sweets. Thanks for posting.