photo credit: KookMeNow
I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for a new dip to try. As much as I love my basic dips, sometimes you need a change and some spice. This dip will be a great addition to your next party. How can you go wrong with bacon, corn and comfort.
Click here on My Fridge Food for the recipe and directions.
We love Bacon here at Craftgossip, in face we actually created a Pinterest board just for Bacon. THE WORLDS BEST BACON RECIPES.
Crazy about bacon? So I was looking around for new Bacon recipes and guess what I came across?
No, seriously you will never ever guess. A Bacon Scratch and Sniff cookbook! I know you are as curious as me right now and that is why I just had to buy it too as a gift for my bacon-loving husband.
The Bacon Scratch & Sniff Cookbook
promises to sway even the most hardened vegetarians with its forty bacon-centric recipes (not to mention its nifty scratch-and-sniff feature on the book’s cover)—from piggy snacks, including caramel bacon popcorn, candied bacon strips, and bacon-wrapped sweet potato wedges, to heartier main dishes like bacon-covered mac-and-cheese burgers, smoky bacon tacos, and the ultimate pasta carbonara. Did we mention dessert too? You’ll also find bacon and pecan ice cream, choc-bacon cookies, and everything bacon imaginable. It’s time to pig out, because everything is better with bacon!
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