1. Spinach and green apple salad from Food Network.
3. The dish that inspired this post and that, as a big fan of The Muppet Movie, simultaneously freaked me out and intrigued me (but more the former): Crispy fried frog legs from 2 frugal foodies.
4. Key lime pie martini from idrink.com.
O’ Kermie.
[tags]green, frog legs, cocktails, martini, key lime, pea soup, salad, apples[/tags]
Where the heck do people even get frog legs? I’m both intrigued and grossed out by the idea of eating frog legs… though I’d definitely try ’em if offered. As for actually cooking em? Probably not gonna happen.
thank you thank you! my dad used to take us kids out frog gigging so my mom could cook up the frog legs and i wanted to do this with my kids but didn’t have a good frog leg recipie:)