The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle is holding a must-enter contest if you have even the slightest interest in cookie decorating. She’s assembled a fantastic collection of cookie decorating essentials from Karen’s Cookies, including tips, colors, Disco Dust and more! CLICK HERE For more information and to enter.
HURRY!!! Contest ends tonight!!!
I love the cookies you have made great ideas, very creative would love to try it myself have a big family and with the holidays looking for something different to give as gifts and what better then a sweet treat
I went to Karen’s facebook page and “liked her.” Great cookies!
My fondest memory of my grandma was the last time I saw her – she was holding my oldest son who was 10 months old at the time.
I liked Karen’s FB page.
Wow! What amazing cookies you make. I “Liked” Karen’s FB page.
I remember my grandma would randomly pick me up from school. She would take the chance to catch me when school let out and she would have food from Wendy’s for me. She never told me she was gonna pick me up so I always wonder how many times she went to get me and didn’t catch me walking out from school.
I spent alot of time with my grandma, but oddly I can never remember her cooking a meal. And I mean “cook” I’d occassionaly see her microwave items, but never cook something on the stove. Very weird. My great-gramdma was always cooking.
Is this a magical cookie decorating kit? Would we be able to magically create cookies as great as you?
My grandma was known for her baking with yeast dough. I would watch her make something and write it down as she went along. I am retired, but worked in a bakery for 25 yrs. My NY resolution is to perfect pasta making and cookie decorating.
Ever since I saw your post I wanted to write about my mom, it is hard to do so, because she is missing, but I do remember a lot of happy moments, althougth we were poor, she always managed to make our lives very fun; Most of all I miss her singing habilities, I never put much attention to her cooking because I was very youg, Now that I started to make cookies on my own I think of her a lot, she use to make the greates cookies ever, not decorated, but they tasted really good. I wish I could win your give away, and my very short story probably won’t be the best, but it is fun to participate, I have been thinking about this give away since this last Monday, it is not in the origal post you wrote and probably I di not make it on time, but I finally got the courage to write, I am such a quite woman. Oh well the truth is that I am already a winner just to open a little bit to my self, and really looking a your cooking gives me a lot of ideas, and inspires me keep trying, before I felt alone, I di not have any one to ask a question about what was rigth about baking or any simple question, but now with internet is so much information, that I can not wait until I put the kids to come visit wonderfull sites like your. Kisses.
I have visited Karen on her face book,what she can do with a plain old Cookie is out of this world.
I also have many good memories of my Grandma’s, the trouble is though my Nan got so badly burnt (90%)that I always see this before I can remember the good, I was 13 and I visited her in Hospital on my own and as I walked in she took her very last breathe… But we had so many good times they do out weigh this very last memory.
I lost my Granny when I was 24. My son was the only grate grandchild she ever held she died a few weeks after that.She taught me all that she knew about sewing and crocheting. She showed me how to make a quilt.
I am 64 years now (the same age as my dear Grandma when she passed) and I still think of her all the time. She made a “huge” impact on my life and my way of doing things. Grandma had a love for food and animals, she raised birds in her avery in the backyard.
I can still taste the cookies she made for my sister and I out of the leftover pie dough. She would let us decorate them with sugar and candies.
I am the proud grandma of 4 beautiful children and being a grandma is my greatest legacy. I am teaching my grandkids how to sew and make cookies (gingerbread boys and houses) at Christmas every year.
Thanks for the opportunity to share my story.
My Granny helped me make my first afghan. It didn’t look very pretty but it was mine. I turned around and showed her how to make baby,booties. We had a lot of fun. She still comes to see me when I am down