Save your coins and make your own Pop-Tarts with this recipe for strawberry Pop Tarts from Bake Me More.
Homemade Pop-tarts are really popular right now thanks to tik tok trending and Air fryers. This easy pop tart recipe can be baked in the air fryer until golden brown.
Pop-Tarts is a brand of toaster pastries that the Kellogg Company introduced in 1964. Traditionally Pop-Tarts have a sugary filling sealed inside two layers of thin, rectangular pastry crust. Most varieties are also frosted. Although sold pre-cooked, they are designed to be warmed inside a toaster, microwave oven or now thanks to modern-day technology an Air fryer.
Woah, who would’ve thought you could make these delicious treats at home! I think its great, cause these are hard to find in Oz!
Oh my, you won’t believe how excited I got when I read this post! I live in Germany. But when I was younger I used to live for one year in the US. And I really liked pop tarts! It is REALLY hard to get them here and if you do get them – they are REALLY expensive!!! So I am definitely going to try this!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing the link!
Miss Muffin
My 3-year-old twin grandsons – Kael and Orion will love these. And I know they aren’t filled with nasty chemicals.
Sharon of Rose of Sharon Jewelry
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