At least it feels that way. Yowza to the bundles of books being given away from Quarry Spoon and Craftside. All your holiday baking, candy making and DIY gift giving is covered in these book prizes. For the first giveaway of books (which include cookbooks on pasta, candy making, brewing, pie, cocktails, cake decorating and making stuffed animals–see? I told you everything was covered), click HERE to visit SPOON and enter. To enter the other book giveaway, which include books on drawing imaginary animals (oooh, I want that one!), vegan food gifts, crochet beading and more, click HERE to visit Craftside.
Note: These giveaways are NOT being hosted by Edible Crafts! You MUST enter the giveaways at SPOON and Craftside. Any comments left here are not entered in the giveaways.
Would love to own these books.What I love the best cooking,baking,and crafting to make people happy.
Thanks for pointing us to the giveaways and their blogs!