I’ve done many a yoga pose on cookies
(I mean, I’ve decorated cookies to look like people in yoga poses at customers’ requests. I’ve not actually done yoga on a cookie.) I cut them all out by hand. Given the near-infinite options of cookie cutters nowadays, it should’ve occurred to me they made yoga pose cutters. Find links to cutters HERE at the kitchn.
[tags]cookie cutters, yoga[/tags]
Sadly the kitchn website just reports that they can’t find these cutters- just a tree pose 🙁
sheesh, good catch! how did I miss that? The link for the former is to buy the cookies (which, side note, are super cute. I worked for a decade in a similar store, and can say the Patti Paige store looks fabulous). Hmmm, maybe I’ll do some searching myself. Looks like it’s back to cutting out by hand! There are kits to make your own cutters out there, too.