Copyright is a heated topic when it comes to crafter’s and in this case cake bakers too. Duff Goldman had the privilege of “designing” President Obama’s Inauguration cake, but he didn’t make President Trumps cake. So why do they look identical? Um Awkward!
Wondering just how Copyright and Crafting go? Check out these past Articles so you know just what you can and can’t get away with.
What’s your stand on copyright?
How to Handle a Copyright Infringement
Copyright for Crafters and Artists
Free Copyright for Crafters Ebook
Fair Use: An Often Misunderstood Copyright Rule
More Copyright Information can be found using this link.
Very interesting…., something the new President found good…and he had not to brake down!!! Jeanine Graf
I see lots of copies of crafts on this blog, with no mention of where the craft originally came from.
Um…imitation- greatest form of flattery!
Oh the horrors, a “plagiarized” cake. Moveon . org better community organize some rioting and looting Wow!!
Call George Soros STAT
This issue was already resolved. Duff Goldman saw the cake and commented on it. Then the cake designer admitted that she had used his as a model. He was flattered. There was no awkward moment. No lawsuits.
Really??? copyright a cake??? are we just looking for ways to criticize the new president??
I really hope this blog doesn’t turn into a political forum.
I’ve read the response from Buttercream Bakeshop that made the cake and it seems like they were commissioned to re-create the cake and the profits from the order was donated to @humanrights campaign. Almost every designed cake for an event seems to a copy of something…like Disney, Star Wars, etc. Duff Goldman, the original designer, seems to be good with it all and said “Group Hug”. 🙂 As designers I think all of us have had our designs recreated and we’ve all taken a bit from here and there as well. 🙂 Keeps us designing new, fresh pieces all of the time.
Why is politics allowed in this crafting blog?. I am really tired of people tearing down the new prez, and I sure as heck don’t want to see it here. So many craft items are are duplicated over and over and over not a word being said. The liberals look for any excuse to go aftrr President Trump.
Grow up and act like an adult and deal with it.
Besides, it was not that nice looking of a cake anyhow.
not interested in a political blog removing myself from the blog
People are quick to criticize the blog post as political but was it really? It was about taking someone’s design and copying it. Don’t be so defensive.
Are you listening Shellie of craftgossip?
I am not sure what exactly you are referring to?. If you are asking if I read your comments then yes, I read them and approved them to the page.