I’m loving this QuickPop Maker from Zoku.
Learn how to make gigantic popsicles HERE at kookouts.com, found via not martha.
Make (diabetic friendly) pudding pops with Diabetic Living.
Make strawberry yogurt swirl popsicles with Woman’s Day.
And revisit the fun popsicle molds I talked about HERE.
[tags]popsicle, molds, fruit, summer, pudding[/tags]
I think CraftGossip is wrong on the Diabetic Friendly recommendation for this item — Comments on the WS site and other sites reviewing this product indicate that you cannot use artificial sweeteners to make the pops — they get stuck and you can’t pop the popsicles out.
Thank you Adri! Good point about the molds. I believe, though, the pudding pops in the above roundup that are diabetic friendly (according to the original source, this isn’t my assignation) are made with paper cups. The other items in the roundup are not meant to be diabetic friendly, so good to note just in case that confused others as well.