Check out all the crafty things you can do with Kool-Aid with this roundup by The Crafty Crow. Shown is scratch-n-sniff painting from Paint Cut Paste.
[tags]Kool-Aid, kids, painting[/tags]
Looking for more DIY projects with Koolaid? Check these out Kool-Aid Crafts
Did you know the powder form of Koolaid was created by Edwin Perkins in 1927 based upon a liquid concentrate called Fruit Smack. Obviously, it was first created for eating and not crafting but how could we help ourselves with all that dye and possibilities.
The longer you dip in the dye the stronger the colors become. Try leaving your tongue in a glass of koolaid and see what happens?
another kool-aid craft is kool-aid hair die make sugar-less kool-aid in a big bowl then dip hair in the kool-aid …. i have do this kool-aid hair die and it works great. thanks and enkoy the hair die craft.HAVE FUN