Chocolaholic? Artist? Baker? Check out both of these sites for great chocolate inspiration. La Cerise, a Zurich-based blogger, created this Princess cake-topper from chocolate as a much tastier alternative to fondant. (And goodness knows, we could all use a tastier alternative to fondant.) She offers very detailed notes and step-by-step instructions, and photographs along the way. I’ve been getting more into crafting with chocolate lately, so this is one method I’ll definitely
And taking chocolate to a whole other level is Cosmic Chocolate. They’ve set out to fuse the “tangible and surreal,” to offer “luscious bites of elation” (from their musings page). The Cosmic Icons chocolates feature famous faces–Oprah, Madonna, Obama, Bono, even Al Roker–crafted from chocolate with sublime flavors, like espresso cognac, limoncello ginger, and raspberry ganache. This ethereal website also offers cocktail-inspired truffles, like tequila coke and mojito, and much more. if you like disco, make sure your sound is on when you visit.
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