I know what you are thinking, how did you never know this existed right? This S’mores maker is a lazy susan style melting popt of yumminess. The PERFECT activity for lockdown and Isolation. Maybe this Easter you are having a backyard camping trip or maybe you don’t have an outdoor fire pit and this is the next best thing. Grab your crackers, choclate and marshmallows and get yummy in your tummy!
Looking for more S’smores recipes? Check out these articles.
Looking for more ideas for Smores? Check out this S’mores cookbook we found on Amazon and let’s not forget my favorite snack Smores candy
snack. So yummy and ready to go!
So it turns out I have become a s’mores addict and now I am addicted to this S’mores dip. In fact, I do believe I have aided and abetted a few friends in this Smores dip addiction too.
Nobody knows who originated the s’more. S’more is an abbreviation of the phrase “some more.” S’mores first featured in a cookbook in the early 1920s as a “Graham Cracker Sandwich.” This summer, 5 million pounds of marshmallows will be roasted over a fire in the United States, with many of them being used to make s’mores.
As early as 2000 BC, the Egyptians enjoyed a gooey dessert now known as marshmallows. Marshmallows were used to treat wounds by the Greeks. Today’s marshmallows are a long cry from their forefathers. Marshmallows are named after the marsh mallow plant. Marshmallows were produced by thickening chunks of marsh mallow root pulp with sugar in a saucepan. Today marshmallows are made from sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin.
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