Stephanie, of the etsy DIY printable party shop, Spaceships and Laserbeams (parties with boyish charm!) sent along photos of the most darling (I mean this, of course, in the boy-est way possible) alien themed party featuring these printables from the shop. I had to share with you. The alien presentation even makes all this ‘healthy’ food–seeing little boys shuddering at the notion–look way too yummy to pass by. And I’m loving the cupcakes! Check out more details below. And check out the rest of the shop HERE. I’ve got my eye on the alligator cupcake wrapper.
The cupcakes were created by The Cake Box (, the photography was done by barebonephoto ( All the designs are completely original. And 5% of all sales goes to the YMCA Strong Kids campaign. Yep. This is one etsy shop to watch!
Thanks so much for all the kind words!